Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Okra Soup


  • ¼ of a peck of okra (1.5 pounds) 
  • ½ of a peck of potatoes (7.5 pounds) 
  • Leg of beef 
  • 10 quarts cold water 
  • Cayenne – to taste 
  • Salt – to taste 
  • Pepper – to taste 


  1. Fill a pot with 10 quarts of cold water. 
  2. Cut the okra into small pieces. 
  3. Skin the potatoes. 
  4. Place all ingredients in the pot. 
  5. Boil gently for 7 hours. There may be white froth that rises to the top from the ingredients when boiling. Remove (skim) this froth with a spoon and discard. 
  6. Season with cayenne, black pepper and/or salt to your liking. 
Source – Creole Cookery Book 
Prepared by Ashley Angelle 
January 4, 2021

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