Friday, September 16, 2022

To Stew Partridges


  • Partridges 
  • Two spoonfuls of lemon pickle or anchovy 
  • A quarter of a sliced lemon
  • A sprig (2 to 4 inches) of sweet marjoram 
  • Salt and pepper 
  • Powdered mace
  • Three tablespoons of butter 
  • Two teaspoons of flour 
  • One tablespoon of gravy


  1. Tossing the partridges, stuff them with forcemeat. 
  2. Rub a lump of butter in salt, pepper, and powdered mace and pack it into the partridge's bodies. 
  3. Lightly coat the partridges with fine flour.
  4. Fry them in butter until they are golden brown. 
  5. Transfer them to a stewpan and add gravy until the partridges are covered. 
  6. Cover them closely and, if necessary, add more gravy to thicken up the stew. 
  7. Stew for 30 minutes.  
  8. Enjoy! 
Prepared by Addy Lindsay
September 18, 2022 

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