Tuesday, September 20, 2022

Royal Diplomatic Pudding


  • One box of gelatin
  • Two cup of water 
  • Five cups of granulated sugar
  • One half cup of lemon juice
  • One green leaf
  • One cup of orange juice
  • Red fruit coloring
  • Three egg whites


  1. Add one cup of water to a box of gelatin.
  2. Once it dissolves, divide in half.
  3. To one half, add three cups of granulated sugar, one half cup of lemon juice, and one cup of water.
  4. Put it on low heat to melt the sugar, then add green leaves to color it.
  5. With the other half of gelatin add two cups of sugar and one cup of orange juice.
  6. Color with red fruit coloring, and when ready to congeal add three egg whites beaten to a stiff froth and then add to the green.
  7. This is a wonderful dessert, and it looks like a watermelon. 
Source — New Orleans Cook Book
Prepared by Grace Rivet
Louisiana Anthology
September 20, 2022

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