Tuesday, September 20, 2022

To Cure Beef


  • 10 gallons of water
  • 10 quartz of salt
  • 1 lb. brown sugar
  • 1 of sodium nitrate


  1. Take all of your ingredients and add to a pot.
  2. Boil until the froth is done rising.
  3. Take off heat and let it sit until it cools.
  4. Once cooled, take the beef out.
  5. Pack the beef close down in a barrel.
  6. Cover the beef with brine.
  7. Weigh down with rocks but make sure it is not covered.

This quantity of brine is sufficient for 1 quarter of beef.

Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Denia Gonzalez
Louisiana Anthology
September 20, 2022

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