Monday, September 19, 2022

To Make A French Pilau


  • 2 Fowls
  • Rice
  • 1 Stick of Butter
  • 2 eggs 


  1. Boil 2 Fowls.
  2. Remove Fowls and some of the water and boil rice. 
  3. Use 1/2 a stick of butter and butter the rice.
  4. Cover the bottom of the dish with 1/2 a stick of butter.
  5. Put the 2 Fowls on the dish and add the remaining water.
  6. Put 1/2 of the rice on the fowls.
  7. Spread over 2 yolks that have been beaten. 
  8. Bake in the oven.
  9. Remove and serve with the remaining rice.
Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Matthew Tucker
Louisiana Anthology
October 19, 2022

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