Monday, September 19, 2022

Salad, Chicken, French


  • 1-2 Chickens
  • Salt and Peper 
  • 12-18 Hard-boiled eggs
  • Olive Oil
  • Vinegar
  • Lettuce
  • Red Beets


  1. Season chickens with salt and pepper or another seasoning and cook. 
  2. Let the Chicken cool. 
  3. Cut Chicken up and remove large bones.
  4. Make Dressing with 6 hard-boiled eggs per chicken. 
    1. Mash the yolks very smoothly with a wooden spoon and add a cup of olive oil.
    2. Beat together until creamed.
  5. Add a half cup of vinegar per chicken on top of the chicken.  
  6. Salt and pepper chicken(s).
  7. Apply dressing to chicken.
  8. Add fresh lettuce heads that have been quartered.
  9. Slice 6 hard-boiled eggs overall as a garnish.
  10. Optional: Add some sliced red beets. 
Source — La Cuisine Creole
Prepared by Matthew Tucker
Louisiana Anthology
October 19, 2022

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