Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Beef Ham


  • 20 lbs. of beef
  • Two ounces of sodium nitrate
  • Four ounces of brown sugar
  • Six ounces of bag salt
  • One ounce of white pepper
  • One clove of nutmeg
  • One clove of garlic
  • Half pound of common salt
  • Total Prep Time: 18 days


  1. Debone the 20 lbs of beef, rub with common salt and let sit for 1-2 days.
  2. After the 1-2 days have passed, season the beef with the needed amount of sodium nitrate, brown sugar, bag salt, white pepper, nutmeg, and garlic.
  3. Strew the suggested amount of common salt onto the beef and let sit for 16 days.
  4. Turn the beef daily for the best result.
  5. After the 16 days have passed, the beef can be hung up or boiled. 
  6. Beef must be allowed to sit in boiled water until cold.
Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Haylee Ingle
Louisiana Anthology
September 14, 2022

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