Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Croquets of Cold Meat


  • meat of your choice
  • piquante sauce
  • bread
  • capers
  • mushrooms
  • salt
  • spices
  • fine herbs
  • egg
  • grated bread
  • butter


  1. Boil or roast any meat or meats of your choice.
  2. Mix them together, so they are clear of bones.
  3. Make a hash out of the meats.
  4. Mix meats with piquante sauce until very thick. (Note: if too thin add bread crumbs)
  5. Boil it together with capers, mushrooms, salt, spices, and fine herbs.
  6. Allow the dish to cool on a chopping board or dish.
  7. Make balls out of the dish.
  8. Press them flat.
  9. Roll them in egg and grated bread.
  10. Fry them in butter to brown them on both sides.
Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Noah Beeson
Louisiana Anthology
September 14, 2022

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