Thursday, September 15, 2022

Crawfish Monica


  • One pound of crawfish tails
  • Half a cup of butter
  • One pint of half and half
  • Five garlic cloves, chopped
  • Half a bunch of parsley
  • Two tablespoons of creole seasoning
  • Cayenne pepper to taste
  • One pound of rotini pasta
  • A loaf of French bread


  1. Cook pasta according the the directions on the package. Drain, then rinse under cool water and drain again thoroughly.
  2. Melt butter in a large pot and saute onions and garlic and parsley for about 3 minutes.
  3. Add the crawfish and saute for about 2 minutes.
  4. Add the half-and half and creole seasoning. Add a dash of cayenne pepper and taste before adding more until you have the right amount for you. If you have boiled your own crawfish save the fat and add it in as well.
  5. Cook for 5-10 minutes over a medium heat until the sauce thickens.
  6. Add the pasta and toss well. Let sit for 10 minutes or so over very low heat stirring often.
  7. Serve immediately with lots of french bread and a nice dry white wine.
Source — Food.
Prepared by Anna Duck
Louisiana Anthology
September 15, 2022

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