Monday, September 19, 2022

Cocoanut Pudding


  • 1 cocoanut and 3 slices of bread
  • cocoanut milk 
  • 6 eggs 
  • 1 cup of sugar 
  • 1 pound of raisins
  • 1/2 teaspoon dixie yeast powder
  • 1/4 cup of butter well beaten with cream and nutmeg


  1. Grate cocoanut.
  2. Soak 3 slices of bread in cocoanut milk
  3. Beat 6 eggs with one cup of sugar 
  4. Also, add butter with well-beaten nutmeg and cream 
  5. mix remaining ingredients.
Source — New Orleans Cook Book
Prepared by Biraj Thapa
Louisiana Anthology
Sep 19, 2022

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