Monday, July 31, 2017

Plain Rice Pudding


  • One and a half quarts of milk
  • One-half cupful of rice
  • Three-fourths of a cupful of sugar
  • Dessert spoonful of butter


  1. Wash your rice well.
  2. Put as much milk as the dish you wish to bake your pudding in will hold, together with the rice.
  3. Allow it to boil.
  4. As the milk cooks away, keep adding more until all is used
  5. Add sugar and butter
  6. Bake until brown.
  7. When your pudding is baking and the crust forms, skim it off each time for five or six times before allowing it to finally form and remain.
Prepared by Brody C. Pinion
July 15, 2017

Plain Rice Pudding


  • One and a half quarts of milk
  • One-half cupful of rice
  • Three-fourths of a cupful of sugar
  • Dessert spoonful of butter

Saturday, July 22, 2017



  • One quart of flour
  • One spoonful of lard
  • One pinch of salt
  • Water as needed


    1. Combine all ingredients to create a paste.
    2. Allow mixture to sit overnight.
    3. Bake in buttered pans the next morning.
    Prepared by Connor Costello
    Louisiana Anthology
    July 22, 2017



    • One quart of flour
    • One spoonful of lard
    • One pinch of salt
    • Water as needed



    • One cup of hominy
    • One teaspoon of butter
    • One cup of wheat 
    • One tablespoon of sugar
    • One half-teaspoon of salt
    • One egg
    • One teaspoon of baking powder
    • Sweet milk as needed.


    1. Combine all ingredients into a bowl to form a smooth paste.
    2. Put a spoonful of the mixture into a buttered mold.
    3. Bake until done.
    Prepared by Connor Costello
    Louisiana Anthology
    July 22, 2017



    • One cup of hominy
    • One teaspoon of butter
    • One cup of wheat 
    • One tablespoon of sugar

    Filet Marine


    • Filet from a roast beef
    • Salt to taste
    • Pepper to taste
    • Onion for flavor
    • One tablespoon of tarragon vinegar
    • Two spoonfuls of best sweet oil
    • Fried potatoes


    1. Rub salt, pepper, and onion on filet.
    2. Pour tarragon vinegar and best sweet oil over filet.
    3. Baste filet with drippings every few minutes.
    4. In order to use it for another meal, warm it over a slow fire.
    5. Serve with fried potatoes.
    Prepared by Connor Costello
    July 22, 2017

    Filet Marine


    • Filet from a roast beef
    • Salt to taste
    • Pepper to taste
    • Onion for flavor



    • Spinach
    • Water
    • Salt
    • Butter
    • Sugar
    • Fried bread


    1. Place spinach into boiling water until cooked.
    2. Drain spinach in a colander or cheesecloth.
    3. Chop finely on a very clean board with a perfectly clean knife.
    4. Warm spinach in a saucepan
    5. Add salt, butter, and sugar to taste.
    6. Serve very hot and quickly trimmed with small pieces of fried bread around the dish.
    Prepared by Connor Costello
    Louisiana Anthology
    July 22, 2017



    • Spinach
    • Water
    • Salt
    • Butter
    • Sugar
    • Fried bread


    1. Place spinach into boiling water until cooked.
    2. Drain spinach in a colander or cheesecloth.
    3. Chop finely on a very clean board with a perfectly clean knife.
    4. Warm spinach in a saucepan
    5. Add salt, butter, and sugar to taste.
    6. Serve very hot and quickly trimmed with small pieces of fried bread around the dish.
    Prepared by Connor Costello
    Louisiana Anthology
    July 22, 2017



    • One quart of flour
    • One half-pound of butter,
    • One quarter pound of sugar
    • Five eggs
    • One half-pint of molasses
    • One half-cup of ginger
    • One teaspoon of baking soda


    1. Combine ingredients.
    2. Bake until done.

    Prepared by Connor Costello
    July 22, 2017



    • One quart of flour
    • One half-pound of butter,
    • One quarter pound of sugar
    • Five eggs
    • One half-pint of molasses
    • One half-cup of ginger
    • One teaspoon of baking soda


    1. Combine ingredients.
    2. Bake until done.

    Prepared by Connor Costello
    July 22, 2017

    Thursday, July 20, 2017

    Oyster Soup


    • 2 quarts of oysters
    • 3 quarts of water
    • 3 onions
    • 2 or 3 slices of lean ham
    • salt and pepper
    • 4 spoonfuls of flour
    • 1 cup rich cream
    • 2 egg yolks


    1. Wash and drain 2 quarts of oysters.
    2. Put them on fire with 3 quarts of water, 3 chopped onions, and 2 or 3 slices of ham.
    3. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
    4. Boil until it is reduced one half and then strain sieve.
    5. Return liquid into the pot and add 1 quart fresh oysters.
    6. Boil until they are sufficiently done.
    7. Thicken soup with 4 spoonfuls of flour, 1 cup rich cream, and 2 egg yolks well beaten
    8. Boil a few minutes after thickening is added and make sure it does not curdle or the flour lump up.
    9. Serve with the last oysters that were put in.
    Prepared by Tanner Frasier
    July 11, 2017

    Oyster Soup


    • 2 quarts of oysters
    • 3 quarts of water
    • 3 onions
    • 2 or 3 slices of lean ham
    • salt and pepper
    • 4 spoonfuls of flour
    • 1 cup rich cream
    • 2 egg yolks


    1. Wash and drain 2 quarts of oysters.
    2. Put them on fire with 3 quarts of water, 3 chopped onions, and 2 or 3 slices of ham.
    3. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
    4. Boil until it is reduced one half and then strain sieve.
    5. Return liquid into the pot and add 1 quart fresh oysters.
    6. Boil until they are sufficiently done.
    7. Thicken soup with 4 spoonfuls of flour, 1 cup rich cream, and 2 egg yolks well beaten
    8. Boil a few minutes after thickening is added and make sure it does not curdle or the flour lump up.
    9. Serve with the last oysters that were put in.
    Prepared by Tanner Frasier
    July 11, 2017

    Art and Science of Salad Making



    • 2 egg yolks 
    • fresh mustard sauce
    • 4 tblsp oil
    • 1 1/2 tblsp vinegar 
    • chervil and tarragon (a few leaves most likely) 
    • lettuce 



    1. Mix oil and vinegar into a cream. 


    1. Rub with a fork the yolks of two eggs, boiled hard, and cold, with fresh mustard and a little sauce
    2. Chop fine chervil, tarragon, and use with lettuce. 
    3. The sauce should be kept separate until needed.Ingredients 


    No careless hand can make a perfect salad. To be sure, Nanette, the cook, who tosses in this, adds a sprinkling of that and pours in oil and vinegar with seeming abandon, sends to the table preparations fit for the gods, But Nanette, in her line, is an artist who has acquired the simple stroke that produces the masterpiece. Occasionally there arises a genius in lay ranks who snaps her finger at experience and arrives at Nanette’s degree of skill by inspiration. But geniuses are few.

    Herbs, Vinegar, and Oil

    In no other dish is there so wide range for individuality of treatment as in the salad. No single process in its preparation is unimportant. The meats and vegetables must not be too coarse nor too fine. In making them ready the chopping knife and meat grinder must have no part. Only the crispest, freshest vegetables should enter into its composition. Much depends upon the quality of the vinegar and oil. Sharp vinegar is to be avoided. If that on hand is too sour weaken it with a little water. A little lemon juice may be used if greater acidity is wanted. A ready supply of herb vinegars, such as tarragon, nasturtium (Tropaeolum), chervil, celery and mint, add greatly to the possibilities in flavoring. The wise salad maker has at her finger tips a knowledge of the adaptability of the different vinegars, flavors and foundation materials. The tarragon flavor, for instance, is delicious with meats and fish. The nasturtium, most persons think, lends itself best to vegetables. Mint vinegar has its votaries, but many people object to its flavor, excepting with lamb, chicken and certain green salads. Celery vinegar combines well with nearly all salads.

    Chopped parsley, chervil, sheep sorrel, nasturtiums (leaves, flowers and stems), and other herbs chopped fine and sprinkled over the salad or incorporated with the dressing, ring delightful changes. At a certain farmhouse this summer tender wintergreen leaves from the woods, used moderately in various salads, puzzled the guests with their delicate fragrance.


    Garlic, at which too many persons shudder, because of malodorous memories, lacks the respect in this country that its character merits. Used properly, garlic is more delicate and delicious in flavor than onion. It is the misuse of the vegetable that has gained for it its undeserved notoriety. The French know to a T its worth. A single clove of garlic, or two at the most, are enough for a large mixture.

    Obtaining the flavor

    1. Rub the bowl in which the salad is dressed or the dish in which the dressing is made with a halved clove of garlic. 

    OR It is still better, some think, to:
    1. Saturate a piece of bread with its odor 
    2. Use the bread, transfixed with a fork, to wipe the dish. 

    1. Chop a clove or two of garlic to infinitesimal fineness
    2. Mix it with the other ingredients


    If onion is used, it is always preferable to employ the juice and not the pulp. By some cooks the onion is grated, but even this method leaves tangible evidences of the most odorous of vegetables to catch in the teeth and retain the flavor in the mouth. To some persons, onions are hurtful, but they are seldom injured by the juice.

    Obtaining Onion Juice

    1. Cut the onion in two
    2. Hold it on a fork over the mixture
    3. Press the cut side with the back of a silver knife or spoon until the juice drops

    Artichokes and Seafood 

    With such materials as lobsters, crabs, shrimps, Jerusalem artichokes, etc., which are liked for their individual flavors, it is a mistake to use flavored vinegars, onions or garlic. Such pungent additions are for accompaniments of neutral hue, which need embellishment. With all salad preparations, except with the sweet kind, of course, capers and chopped olives and pickles in right proportion may always be used.

    Blending Flavors

    To blend the various flavors so that no one will be overshadowed by another is the acme of the salad maker’s effort. Cold cooked vegetables, such as potatoes, beets, carrots, string beans, celery knobs, etc., will not absorb the dressing and its flavors. To obtain the best results most cooked vegetables should be covered with a French dressing while they are hot and should be left to cool in it. When they are cold they should be thoroughly drained. Then they may be dressed with mayonnaise, French or boiled dressing, as preferred. German cooks marinate hot cabbage in this way for a cabbage salad. With the marinate may be placed an onion or two, sliced; some celery, parsley, chervil or other herb. The French dressing may be made with any preferred vinegar.


    Utensils, ingredients and everything pertaining to the work should be chilled at the start. The lettuce, cress or other green, as well as any raw vegetable, such as celery or radishes, should stand in ice-water for an hour before they are wanted. Great care should be taken, however, when they come from the bath to dry them thoroughly. Drops of water will carry with them to the bottom of the dish an oily liquid that will detract greatly from the dainty appearance of the salad. In order to dry the vegetables drain and shake them in a colander, and then toss them about in a large, dry towel.

    Mixing Ingredients  

    Stirring the ingredients together is the unpardonable sin of the art. By that means are produced the strange concoctions which are miscalled “salads.” A light tossing with a fork in each hand will properly distribute the elements and seasonings and leave a light, crisp mixture.

    Types of Salads

    Salads are practically of two classes — light and heavy — the former suited to dinners, and both to luncheons and suppers. No one would think, of course, of introducing lobster or chicken salad among the courses of a heavy dinner. Such a dish is calculated to appear as the piece de resistance of a meal.


    The appearance of the salad is not the least important factor in its preparation. Vegetables that clash in color, like beets, carrots and tomatoes, should never be mingled. The hue of the mayonnaise, or cooked dressing, may be varied by different devices. For green, spinach juice can be used, or a mixture of herbs, such as lettuce, cress, chives, chervil and parsley, may be crushed together until their juices are expressed. The addition of this liquid to mayonnaise converts it into Ravigote sauce. The powdered coral of the lobster, softened with lemon juice, produces an attractive red. For other shades of red, tomato puree or beet juice may be employed. Yolk of egg will serve for yellow.


    Vegetable and fruit cups afford no end of variations. Celery knobs boiled until they are tender, cut in two and scooped into cups are delicious filled with a macedoine of vegetables. A slice is usually taken from the bottom of each to enable it to stand. The vegetables are first marinated, then drained, filled into the cups and topped off with a spoonful of mayonnaise. The white cups arranged on a bed of green cress or lettuce produce a charming effect. For meat, fish or other mixtures the work of the server will be greatly enhanced if the lettuce is first arranged in little nests in the dish and they are filled with the preparation. These nests may be easily lifted with the fork and spoon from the dish to the individual plate. Put the stem ends of three or four tender, curled leaves together, lapping them over each other enough to make a substantial receptacle. Hollowed out cucumbers, beets, tomatoes, green and red peppers and apples may all do duty as cups


    A solid, prettily shaped cabbage with the centre cut out makes an ornamental bowl for cabbage salad. The cabbage should stand on a bed of curly parsley or other green. Ribbons of red peppers may edge the platter. The salad should be heaped in the cabbage. It may be garnished simply with stuffed olives and tiny gherkins.

    Sweet Peppers

    Sweet peppers are too little known, although they are gaining in popularity with Americans. With many vegetables they are very delicious. 
    1. Thoroughly remove the seeds and white inner pulp (these are the parts that bite)
    2. Cut the peppers into small strips or dice. 
    The peppers may be used in salads of cabbage, mixed vegetables of potatoes, beets, beans, etc.; tomatoes and various other mixtures.

    Salad Dressings 

    Salad dressings are practically three — mayonnaise, French and cooked dressing. Whipped cream is an improvement in most cases to the mayonnaise and boiled kinds. It should be added just before the dressing is used.


    In the summer the bowl in which mayonnaise is made should stand in ice while the process is going on. The old time-devouring way by dropping the oil with one hand and stirring with the other has happily been obviated by various oil dropping inventions which have reduced the work to a minimum. The housekeeper is often puzzled to know what to do if the quantity of mayonnaise needed is too much for one raw yolk and not sufficient for two. By mashing a hard cooked yolk with the raw yolk the problem will be settled. The process of making is the same as if both yolks had been uncooked.
    1. Season with salt and white pepper and mustard if it is wanted
    2. Drop the oil slowly while the beating continues rapidly.
    3.  Add drops of vinegar or lemon juice from time to time as the eggs begin to thicken 

    French Dressing

    For French dressing four spoonfuls of oil to one of vinegar instead of the usual three to one formula is liked best by most persons. In the making of French dressing the old saying, “A spendthrift for oil, a miser for vinegar and a madman to stir,” is an infallible guide.
    1. Place the oil, vinegar, seasonings and salad before the one upon whom that office falls if this dressing is made at the table  
    2. Make a layer of the salad after the dressing is made 
    3. Sprinkle dressing over this and thoroughly incorporate it
    4. Add another layer and so on until all the salad is dressed

    Cooked Dressing

    Cooked dressing may be made and kept for such emergencies as the cook’s day out, unexpected company, etc. To make such a dressing:
    1. Put the yolks of four eggs into the upper part of a double boiler and beat them thoroughly.
    2. Add four tablespoonfuls of oil, stirring constantly
    3. Incorporate four tablespoonfuls of vinegar
    4. Set the dish into hot water over the fire and cook
    5. When the mixture begins to thicken remove it at once from the fire and beat until it is cold
    6. Add slowly four more tablespoonfuls of oil, one tablespoonful of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt and one or two tablespoonfuls of French mustard
    7. Just before using it add one cupful of whipped cream.

    Tomato and Aspic Jelly

    Tomato and aspic jelly both make delightful accompaniment for salads. The jelly may be molded in a ring and the salad served in the centre; it may be molded in a solid form and the salad arranged around it, or it may be broken into sparkling cubes and heaped about the salad.

    To make aspic jelly:

    1. Soak two ounces of jelly in a cupful of cold water for fifteen minutes. 
    2. Then add it to one quart of clear meat stock or one quart of water tinctured with beef extract. 
    3. Flavor with white vinegar and lemon juice until it is properly tart. 
    4. Put in a couple of blades of mace, some cloves and a bay leaf and stir over the fire until the gelatine is dissolved. 
    5. To the beaten whites of two eggs add a little cold water and the juice of a lemon. 
    6. Stir them into the jelly and stir and boil for a minute or two. An egg beater is convenient to use in beating the eggs into the jelly. 
    7. Draw the saucepan to a cool part of the stove and let it stand five or ten minutes. 
    8. Then strain the jelly through a jelly bag. 
    To color the jelly, the devices mentioned for mayonnaise may be employed.

    Tomato Jelly

    Tomato jelly requires a can of tomatoes, an ounce of gelatine and seasonings.
    1. Soak the gelatine in one-half cupful of cold water for half an hour. 
    2. Meanwhile cook the tomatoes with three tablespoonfuls of vinegar, a teaspoonful of salt, a tablespoonful of sugar and a dash of paprika. 
    3. Then add the gelatine to the tomatoes and stir until it is dissolved. 
    4. Strain the jelly through a jelly bag and mold.
    The tomato jelly may be served on a bed of lettuce with a mayonnaise, as has already been suggested.

    Apple Cups

    Apple cups may be filled with a salad of mushrooms (cooked), stuffed olives (sliced), nuts and a few delicate tips of celery. Moisten the mixture with French dressing and top off with mayonnaise and whipped cream. This salad may be served with lettuce instead of in apples.

    Shredded red pepper, stoned olives and cabbage make a delicious combination

    Prepared by Devon Dollahon
    July 20, 2017

    Art and Science of Salad Making



    • 2 egg yolks 
    • fresh mustard sauce
    • 4 tblsp oil
    • 1 1/2 tblsp vinegar 
    • chervil and tarragon (a few leaves most likely) 
    • lettuce 



    1. Mix oil and vinegar into a cream. 


    1. Rub with a fork the yolks of two eggs, boiled hard, and cold, with fresh mustard and a little sauce
    2. Chop fine chervil, tarragon, and use with lettuce. 
    3. The sauce should be kept separate until needed.Ingredients 


    No careless hand can make a perfect salad. To be sure, Nanette, the cook, who tosses in this, adds a sprinkling of that and pours in oil and vinegar with seeming abandon, sends to the table preparations fit for the gods, But Nanette, in her line, is an artist who has acquired the simple stroke that produces the masterpiece. Occasionally there arises a genius in lay ranks who snaps her finger at experience and arrives at Nanette’s degree of skill by inspiration. But geniuses are few.

    Herbs, Vinegar, and Oil

    In no other dish is there so wide range for individuality of treatment as in the salad. No single process in its preparation is unimportant. The meats and vegetables must not be too coarse nor too fine. In making them ready the chopping knife and meat grinder must have no part. Only the crispest, freshest vegetables should enter into its composition. Much depends upon the quality of the vinegar and oil. Sharp vinegar is to be avoided. If that on hand is too sour weaken it with a little water. A little lemon juice may be used if greater acidity is wanted. A ready supply of herb vinegars, such as tarragon, nasturtium (Tropaeolum), chervil, celery and mint, add greatly to the possibilities in flavoring. The wise salad maker has at her finger tips a knowledge of the adaptability of the different vinegars, flavors and foundation materials. The tarragon flavor, for instance, is delicious with meats and fish. The nasturtium, most persons think, lends itself best to vegetables. Mint vinegar has its votaries, but many people object to its flavor, excepting with lamb, chicken and certain green salads. Celery vinegar combines well with nearly all salads.

    Chopped parsley, chervil, sheep sorrel, nasturtiums (leaves, flowers and stems), and other herbs chopped fine and sprinkled over the salad or incorporated with the dressing, ring delightful changes. At a certain farmhouse this summer tender wintergreen leaves from the woods, used moderately in various salads, puzzled the guests with their delicate fragrance.


    Garlic, at which too many persons shudder, because of malodorous memories, lacks the respect in this country that its character merits. Used properly, garlic is more delicate and delicious in flavor than onion. It is the misuse of the vegetable that has gained for it its undeserved notoriety. The French know to a T its worth. A single clove of garlic, or two at the most, are enough for a large mixture.

    Obtaining the flavor

    1. Rub the bowl in which the salad is dressed or the dish in which the dressing is made with a halved clove of garlic. 

    OR It is still better, some think, to:
    1. Saturate a piece of bread with its odor 
    2. Use the bread, transfixed with a fork, to wipe the dish. 

    1. Chop a clove or two of garlic to infinitesimal fineness
    2. Mix it with the other ingredients


    If onion is used, it is always preferable to employ the juice and not the pulp. By some cooks the onion is grated, but even this method leaves tangible evidences of the most odorous of vegetables to catch in the teeth and retain the flavor in the mouth. To some persons, onions are hurtful, but they are seldom injured by the juice.

    Obtaining Onion Juice

    1. Cut the onion in two
    2. Hold it on a fork over the mixture
    3. Press the cut side with the back of a silver knife or spoon until the juice drops

    Artichokes and Seafood 

    With such materials as lobsters, crabs, shrimps, Jerusalem artichokes, etc., which are liked for their individual flavors, it is a mistake to use flavored vinegars, onions or garlic. Such pungent additions are for accompaniments of neutral hue, which need embellishment. With all salad preparations, except with the sweet kind, of course, capers and chopped olives and pickles in right proportion may always be used.

    Blending Flavors

    To blend the various flavors so that no one will be overshadowed by another is the acme of the salad maker’s effort. Cold cooked vegetables, such as potatoes, beets, carrots, string beans, celery knobs, etc., will not absorb the dressing and its flavors. To obtain the best results most cooked vegetables should be covered with a French dressing while they are hot and should be left to cool in it. When they are cold they should be thoroughly drained. Then they may be dressed with mayonnaise, French or boiled dressing, as preferred. German cooks marinate hot cabbage in this way for a cabbage salad. With the marinate may be placed an onion or two, sliced; some celery, parsley, chervil or other herb. The French dressing may be made with any preferred vinegar.


    Utensils, ingredients and everything pertaining to the work should be chilled at the start. The lettuce, cress or other green, as well as any raw vegetable, such as celery or radishes, should stand in ice-water for an hour before they are wanted. Great care should be taken, however, when they come from the bath to dry them thoroughly. Drops of water will carry with them to the bottom of the dish an oily liquid that will detract greatly from the dainty appearance of the salad. In order to dry the vegetables drain and shake them in a colander, and then toss them about in a large, dry towel.

    Mixing Ingredients  

    Stirring the ingredients together is the unpardonable sin of the art. By that means are produced the strange concoctions which are miscalled “salads.” A light tossing with a fork in each hand will properly distribute the elements and seasonings and leave a light, crisp mixture.

    Types of Salads

    Salads are practically of two classes — light and heavy — the former suited to dinners, and both to luncheons and suppers. No one would think, of course, of introducing lobster or chicken salad among the courses of a heavy dinner. Such a dish is calculated to appear as the piece de resistance of a meal.


    The appearance of the salad is not the least important factor in its preparation. Vegetables that clash in color, like beets, carrots and tomatoes, should never be mingled. The hue of the mayonnaise, or cooked dressing, may be varied by different devices. For green, spinach juice can be used, or a mixture of herbs, such as lettuce, cress, chives, chervil and parsley, may be crushed together until their juices are expressed. The addition of this liquid to mayonnaise converts it into Ravigote sauce. The powdered coral of the lobster, softened with lemon juice, produces an attractive red. For other shades of red, tomato puree or beet juice may be employed. Yolk of egg will serve for yellow.


    Vegetable and fruit cups afford no end of variations. Celery knobs boiled until they are tender, cut in two and scooped into cups are delicious filled with a macedoine of vegetables. A slice is usually taken from the bottom of each to enable it to stand. The vegetables are first marinated, then drained, filled into the cups and topped off with a spoonful of mayonnaise. The white cups arranged on a bed of green cress or lettuce produce a charming effect. For meat, fish or other mixtures the work of the server will be greatly enhanced if the lettuce is first arranged in little nests in the dish and they are filled with the preparation. These nests may be easily lifted with the fork and spoon from the dish to the individual plate. Put the stem ends of three or four tender, curled leaves together, lapping them over each other enough to make a substantial receptacle. Hollowed out cucumbers, beets, tomatoes, green and red peppers and apples may all do duty as cups


    A solid, prettily shaped cabbage with the centre cut out makes an ornamental bowl for cabbage salad. The cabbage should stand on a bed of curly parsley or other green. Ribbons of red peppers may edge the platter. The salad should be heaped in the cabbage. It may be garnished simply with stuffed olives and tiny gherkins.

    Sweet Peppers

    Sweet peppers are too little known, although they are gaining in popularity with Americans. With many vegetables they are very delicious. 
    1. Thoroughly remove the seeds and white inner pulp (these are the parts that bite)
    2. Cut the peppers into small strips or dice. 
    The peppers may be used in salads of cabbage, mixed vegetables of potatoes, beets, beans, etc.; tomatoes and various other mixtures.

    Salad Dressings 

    Salad dressings are practically three — mayonnaise, French and cooked dressing. Whipped cream is an improvement in most cases to the mayonnaise and boiled kinds. It should be added just before the dressing is used.


    In the summer the bowl in which mayonnaise is made should stand in ice while the process is going on. The old time-devouring way by dropping the oil with one hand and stirring with the other has happily been obviated by various oil dropping inventions which have reduced the work to a minimum. The housekeeper is often puzzled to know what to do if the quantity of mayonnaise needed is too much for one raw yolk and not sufficient for two. By mashing a hard cooked yolk with the raw yolk the problem will be settled. The process of making is the same as if both yolks had been uncooked.
    1. Season with salt and white pepper and mustard if it is wanted
    2. Drop the oil slowly while the beating continues rapidly.
    3.  Add drops of vinegar or lemon juice from time to time as the eggs begin to thicken 

    French Dressing

    For French dressing four spoonfuls of oil to one of vinegar instead of the usual three to one formula is liked best by most persons. In the making of French dressing the old saying, “A spendthrift for oil, a miser for vinegar and a madman to stir,” is an infallible guide.
    1. Place the oil, vinegar, seasonings and salad before the one upon whom that office falls if this dressing is made at the table  
    2. Make a layer of the salad after the dressing is made 
    3. Sprinkle dressing over this and thoroughly incorporate it
    4. Add another layer and so on until all the salad is dressed

    Cooked Dressing

    Cooked dressing may be made and kept for such emergencies as the cook’s day out, unexpected company, etc. To make such a dressing:
    1. Put the yolks of four eggs into the upper part of a double boiler and beat them thoroughly.
    2. Add four tablespoonfuls of oil, stirring constantly
    3. Incorporate four tablespoonfuls of vinegar
    4. Set the dish into hot water over the fire and cook
    5. When the mixture begins to thicken remove it at once from the fire and beat until it is cold
    6. Add slowly four more tablespoonfuls of oil, one tablespoonful of sugar, a teaspoonful of salt and one or two tablespoonfuls of French mustard
    7. Just before using it add one cupful of whipped cream.

    Tomato and Aspic Jelly

    Tomato and aspic jelly both make delightful accompaniment for salads. The jelly may be molded in a ring and the salad served in the centre; it may be molded in a solid form and the salad arranged around it, or it may be broken into sparkling cubes and heaped about the salad.

    To make aspic jelly:

    1. Soak two ounces of jelly in a cupful of cold water for fifteen minutes. 
    2. Then add it to one quart of clear meat stock or one quart of water tinctured with beef extract. 
    3. Flavor with white vinegar and lemon juice until it is properly tart. 
    4. Put in a couple of blades of mace, some cloves and a bay leaf and stir over the fire until the gelatine is dissolved. 
    5. To the beaten whites of two eggs add a little cold water and the juice of a lemon. 
    6. Stir them into the jelly and stir and boil for a minute or two. An egg beater is convenient to use in beating the eggs into the jelly. 
    7. Draw the saucepan to a cool part of the stove and let it stand five or ten minutes. 
    8. Then strain the jelly through a jelly bag. 
    To color the jelly, the devices mentioned for mayonnaise may be employed.

    Tomato Jelly

    Tomato jelly requires a can of tomatoes, an ounce of gelatine and seasonings.
    1. Soak the gelatine in one-half cupful of cold water for half an hour. 
    2. Meanwhile cook the tomatoes with three tablespoonfuls of vinegar, a teaspoonful of salt, a tablespoonful of sugar and a dash of paprika. 
    3. Then add the gelatine to the tomatoes and stir until it is dissolved. 
    4. Strain the jelly through a jelly bag and mold.
    The tomato jelly may be served on a bed of lettuce with a mayonnaise, as has already been suggested.

    Apple Cups

    Apple cups may be filled with a salad of mushrooms (cooked), stuffed olives (sliced), nuts and a few delicate tips of celery. Moisten the mixture with French dressing and top off with mayonnaise and whipped cream. This salad may be served with lettuce instead of in apples.

    Shredded red pepper, stoned olives and cabbage make a delicious combination

    Prepared by Devon Dollahon
    July 20, 2017

    Eggs à la Morelle


    • 6 hard boiled eggs, 3 egg yokes
    • pint of cream (approx. 2 cups)
    • a spoonful of butter (1tblsp) 
    • vinegar or lemon juice (a few drops)


    1. Cut six hard boiled eggs in half.
    2. Take the yolks of three eggs. 
    3. Put them in a small saucepan with a pint of cream and the butter. Stir all the time, the pan being in another pan of hot water. Be careful to put the cream in before the butter. 
    4. Before serving put in a few drops of vinegar or a little lemon juice. 
    Pour this sauce over your hard boiled eggs. It can also be used with vegetables.

    Prepared by Devon Dollahon
    July 20, 2017

    Eggs à la Morelle


    • 6 hard boiled eggs, 3 egg yokes
    • pint of cream (approx. 2 cups)
    • a spoonful of butter (1tblsp) 
    • vinegar or lemon juice (a few drops)


    1. Cut six hard boiled eggs in half.
    2. Take the yolks of three eggs. 
    3. Put them in a small saucepan with a pint of cream and the butter. Stir all the time, the pan being in another pan of hot water. Be careful to put the cream in before the butter. 
    4. Before serving put in a few drops of vinegar or a little lemon juice. 
    Pour this sauce over your hard boiled eggs. It can also be used with vegetables.

    Prepared by Devon Dollahon
    July 20, 2017

    Daube Glacee Or Boeuf A La Daube


    • a round of beef (round steak)
    • salt and pepper 
    • a few garlic cloves
    • smoked tongue, beef suet, or forcemeat 
    • 1 lemon
    • drippings (beef/pork fat) 
    • 6 large onions 
    • forcemeat balls or calf's foot


    1. Take a round of beef, clean and dry it carefully with a towel, rub it in with salt, pepper and cloves, laid with smoked tongue or beef suet or forcemeat and a little garlic. 
    2. Put it in a cool place and let it remain for three or four days in winter (a few days in the fridge)
    3. The night before it is to be cooked, squeeze the juice of a lemon over the beef, on the sides. 
    4. Put the beef in a Dutch oven with some drippings after breakfast— let it be boiling hot before you put the beef in. 
    5. Brown well on both sides, then draw the oven from the fire and let it simmer for three hours
    6. Pare and halve six large onions, stew them over the beef
    7. Let it continue to simmer for three hours longer, add forcemeat balls, or a calf’s foot
    Serve it with gravy in the dish and sauce boat.

    — Mrs. Eugenia Phillips, Washington, D. C.
    Prepared by Devon Dollahon
    July 20, 2017

    Daube Glacee Or Boeuf A La Daube


    • a round of beef (round steak)
    • salt and pepper 
    • a few garlic cloves
    • smoked tongue, beef suet, or forcemeat 
    • 1 lemon
    • drippings (beef/pork fat) 
    • 6 large onions 
    • forcemeat balls or calf's foot


    1. Take a round of beef, clean and dry it carefully with a towel, rub it in with salt, pepper and cloves, laid with smoked tongue or beef suet or forcemeat and a little garlic. 
    2. Put it in a cool place and let it remain for three or four days in winter (a few days in the fridge)
    3. The night before it is to be cooked, squeeze the juice of a lemon over the beef, on the sides. 
    4. Put the beef in a Dutch oven with some drippings after breakfast— let it be boiling hot before you put the beef in. 
    5. Brown well on both sides, then draw the oven from the fire and let it simmer for three hours
    6. Pare and halve six large onions, stew them over the beef
    7. Let it continue to simmer for three hours longer, add forcemeat balls, or a calf’s foot
    Serve it with gravy in the dish and sauce boat.

    — Mrs. Eugenia Phillips, Washington, D. C.
    Prepared by Devon Dollahon
    July 20, 2017

    Dutch Sauce


    • Yolks of two eggs 
    • quarter pint of cream (approx 1/2 cup) 
    • two and a quarter spoonfuls of elder vinegar (2 1/2 tblsp) 
    • a little fresh butter 
    • flour (amount not specified) 


    1. Mix the eggs, cream, vinegar, and butter 
    2. Add enough flour to render the same the consistency of custard. 
    Prepared by Devon Dollahon
    July 20, 2017

    Dutch Sauce


    • Yolks of two eggs 
    • quarter pint of cream (approx 1/2 cup) 
    • two and a quarter spoonfuls of elder vinegar (2 1/2 tblsp) 
    • a little fresh butter 
    • flour (amount not specified) 


    1. Mix the eggs, cream, vinegar, and butter 
    2. Add enough flour to render the same the consistency of custard. 
    Prepared by Devon Dollahon
    July 20, 2017

    Couche Couche


    • butter the size of an egg (about 3 tblsp) 
    • 1 pint of corn meal (approx 2 cups) 
    • 2 eggs 
    • some new milk (amount not specified, but most likely 1-2 cups) 
    • a spoonful of yeast (about 1 tblsp) 
    • sugar (to taste) 
    • a few tblsp of lard, enough to coat a pan 


    Cornbread Paste

    1. Rub the butter into the corn meal. 
    2. Make it a batter by mixing in the eggs and milk. 
    3. Add the yeast. 

    Couche Couche

    1. Make a paste as you make for corn bread by the above receipt. 
    2. Sweeten it with sugar. 
    3. Grease a pot with lard instead of putting it in a pan, and as the paste cooks to the side of the pot, you scrape it off with a spoon. 
    4. Do that five or six times, until all your paste is cooked. 
    It is delicious for breakfast with coffee. The Southern children are very fond of it with milk.

    Prepared by Devon Dollahon
    July 20, 2017

    Couche Couche


    • butter the size of an egg (about 3 tblsp) 
    • 1 pint of corn meal (approx 2 cups) 
    • 2 eggs 
    • some new milk (amount not specified, but most likely 1-2 cups) 
    • a spoonful of yeast (about 1 tblsp) 
    • sugar (to taste) 
    • a few tblsp of lard, enough to coat a pan 


    Cornbread Paste

    1. Rub the butter into the corn meal. 
    2. Make it a batter by mixing in the eggs and milk. 
    3. Add the yeast. 

    Couche Couche

    1. Make a paste as you make for corn bread by the above receipt. 
    2. Sweeten it with sugar. 
    3. Grease a pot with lard instead of putting it in a pan, and as the paste cooks to the side of the pot, you scrape it off with a spoon. 
    4. Do that five or six times, until all your paste is cooked. 
    It is delicious for breakfast with coffee. The Southern children are very fond of it with milk.

    Prepared by Devon Dollahon
    July 20, 2017

    Soda Biscuits


    • 1 quart of flour
    • 1 teaspoon of salt
    • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
    • 1 tablespoon of fresh lard
    • 1 cup of milk


    1. Mix together dry ingredients in a bowl
    2. Add lard and milk
    3. Mix all ingredients quickly by hand
    4. Cut mixed dough into small round pieces and place in a pan
    5. Bake to satisfaction.
    Prepared by Austin Snider
    July 21, 2017 

    Manchester Ice-Cream


      • 4 whole eggs
      • 1 pint of cream
      • 1/2 pint of milk
      • 2 cups of sugar


      1. Mix sugar, cream, and milk together
      2. Beat eggs and stir into mixture
      3. Put mixture in freezer and turn constantly for 20 minutes
      4. Put mixture into a mold and pack in ice until wanted
      5. Serve cold.
      Prepared by Austin Snider
      July 21, 2017

      Manchester Ice-Cream


      • 4 whole eggs
      • 1 pint of cream
      • 1/2 pint of milk
      • 2 cups of sugar


      1. Mix sugar, cream, and milk together
      2. Beat eggs and stir into mixture
      3. Put mixture in freezer and turn constantly for 20 minutes
      4. Put mixture into a mold and pack in ice until wanted
      5. Serve cold.
      Prepared by Austin Snider
      July 21, 2017

      Soda Biscuits


      • 1 quart of flour
      • 1 teaspoon of salt
      • 2 teaspoons of baking powder
      • 1 tablespoon of fresh lard
      • 1 cup of milk


      1. Mix together dry ingredients in a bowl
      2. Add lard and milk
      3. Mix all ingredients quickly by hand
      4. Cut mixed dough into small round pieces and place in a pan
      5. Bake to satisfaction.
      Prepared by Austin Snider
      July 21, 2017 

      Ham Fried with Sugar


      • Slices of boiled ham
      • Brown sugar
      • Dry mustard
      • Butter


      1. Boil a few slices of ham
      2. Sprinkle some brown sugar and a little dry mustard over boiled ham
      3. Fry ham in butter until it browns
      4. Serve hot (best when served with a fresh salad).

        Source — Cooking in Old Creole Days.
        Prepared by Austin Snider
        Louisiana Anthology
        July 21, 2017

        Tomato Soup


        • 1 ounce of ham
        • 1 little carrot
        • 1 onion
        • 2 ounces of butter
        • 1 bay leaf
        • A few peppercorns
        • 2 tablespoons of flour
        • 1 quart of broth (stock)
        • 1 quart of canned tomatoes
        • 2 ounces of brown sugar
        • Salt and pepper, to taste


        1. Cut ham, carrot, and onion into thin slices
        2. Place cut ingredients into a stew pan with butter, bay leaf, and peppercorns
        3. Add flour and stir together over a fire until the color is a light brown
        4. Moisten the mixture with broth, or stock, and continue stirring over a slow fire
        5. Add canned tomatoes
        6. Season with salt, pepper, and brown sugar
        7. Strain the mixture and boil ingredients together for one hour.
        Source — Cooking in Old Creole Days.
        Prepared by Austin Snider
        Louisiana Anthology
        July 21, 2017

        Tomato Soup


        • 1 ounce of ham
        • 1 little carrot
        • 1 onion
        • 2 ounces of butter
        • 1 bay leaf
        • A few peppercorns
        • 2 tablespoons of flour
        • 1 quart of broth (stock)
        • 1 quart of canned tomatoes
        • 2 ounces of brown sugar
        • Salt and pepper, to taste


        1. Cut ham, carrot, and onion into thin slices
        2. Place cut ingredients into a stew pan with butter, bay leaf, and peppercorns
        3. Add flour and stir together over a fire until the color is a light brown
        4. Moisten the mixture with broth, or stock, and continue stirring over a slow fire
        5. Add canned tomatoes
        6. Season with salt, pepper, and brown sugar
        7. Strain the mixture and boil ingredients together for one hour.
        Source — Cooking in Old Creole Days.
        Prepared by Austin Snider
        Louisiana Anthology
        July 21, 2017

        Ham Fried with Sugar


        • Slices of boiled ham
        • Brown sugar
        • Dry mustard
        • Butter


        1. Boil a few slices of ham
        2. Sprinkle some brown sugar and a little dry mustard over boiled ham
        3. Fry ham in butter until it browns
        4. Serve hot (best when served with a fresh salad).

        Source — Cooking in Old Creole Days.
        Prepared by Austin Snider
        Louisiana Anthology
        July 21, 2017



        • 2 cups of flour
        • 3 eggs
        • 2 cups of milk
        • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
        • Butter (to grease cups)


        1. Beat eggs (lightly)
        2. Mix milk and salt into beaten eggs
        3. Slowly pour mixture over flour to prevent lumping
        4. Grease cups with butter and put in oven to get hot
        5. Pour pop-over mixture into cups and cook at the bottom of a moderate oven for 45 minutes.
        — Sarah Johnston

        Prepared by Austin Snider
        July 21, 2017



        • 2 cups of flour
        • 3 eggs
        • 2 cups of milk
        • 1/2 teaspoon of salt
        • Butter (to grease cups)


        1. Beat eggs (lightly)
        2. Mix milk and salt into beaten eggs
        3. Slowly pour mixture over flour to prevent lumping
        4. Grease cups with butter and put in oven to get hot
        5. Pour pop-over mixture into cups and cook at the bottom of a moderate oven for 45 minutes.
        — Sarah Johnston

        Prepared by Austin Snider
        July 21, 2017

        Calf's Liver à la Celeste Smith


        • Tenderized Veal
        • Lard
        • Onion
        • Sauce
        • Parsley
        • Italian macaroni
        • Lemon slices


        1. Cut a few slices of the veal into pieces around three inches long and half an inch thick.
        2. Finely chop your onion.
        3. Fry these pieces of veal in lard with the finely chopped onion.
        4. Add half a cupful of sauce to the mix and let simmer 30-45 minutes.
        5. Add the parsley after you have chopped it well.
        6. Boil the Italian macaroni and place the pasta in the bottom of a long dish.
        7. Pour the veal and sauce on top of the pasta and trim with lemon slices.
        — Celeste Smith
        Prepared by Jonathan Culp
        July 11, 2017

        Calf's Liver à la Celeste Smith


        • Tenderized Veal
        • Lard
        • Onion
        • Sauce
        • Parsley
        • Italian macaroni
        • Lemon slices


        1. Cut a few slices of the veal into pieces around three inches long and half an inch thick.
        2. Finely chop your onion.
        3. Fry these pieces of veal in lard with the finely chopped onion.
        4. Add half a cupful of sauce to the mix and let simmer 30-45 minutes.
        5. Add the parsley after you have chopped it well.
        6. Boil the Italian macaroni and place the pasta in the bottom of a long dish.
        7. Pour the veal and sauce on top of the pasta and trim with lemon slices.
        — Celeste Smith
        Prepared by Jonathan Culp
        July 11, 2017

        Codfish à l’Espagnole


        • Salt Codfish
        • 3-4 Sweet peppers
        • Salt and pepper
        • 2 Spoonfuls of sweet oil
        • 2 Onions
        • 1 Piece of garlic
        • 4 Fresh tomatoes
        • Parsley
        • Half a cup of bouillon (similar to shrimp broth)
        • Teaspoon of flour
        • 12 Irish potatoes
        • Bread crumbs


        1. Take your codfish and simmer it on a low fire, let it drip dry, and then cut it into pieces.
        2. Skin 3-4 large sweet peppers, cut them lengthwise, salt and pepper them, and then place them in the oven.
        3. Put two spoonfuls of sweet oil in a frying pan.
        4. Chop up the two onions, garlic, parsley, and four tomatoes.
        5. Place your recently chopped ingredients from step 4 into the frying pan and let it cook for 30 minutes.
        6. Add the half cup of bouillon in which you dissolve a teaspoon of flour and let this all cook for 10 minutes.
        7. Remove the parsley from the dish.
        8. Boil the 12 Irish potatoes, then peel and slice them.
        9. Line the bottom of the serving dish with the potato slices and top with pieces of codfish, slices of sweet pepper, tomato sauce, and a sprinkling of bread crumbs.
        10. Place this dish in the oven and cook for 35 minutes.
        Prepared by Jonathan Culp
        July 11, 2017

        Codfish à l’Espagnole


        • Salt Codfish
        • 3-4 Sweet peppers
        • Salt and pepper
        • 2 Spoonfuls of sweet oil
        • 2 Onions
        • 1 Piece of garlic
        • 4 Fresh tomatoes
        • Parsley
        • Half a cup of bouillon (similar to shrimp broth)
        • Teaspoon of flour
        • 12 Irish potatoes
        • Bread crumbs


        1. Take your codfish and simmer it on a low fire, let it drip dry, and then cut it into pieces.
        2. Skin 3-4 large sweet peppers, cut them lengthwise, salt and pepper them, and then place them in the oven.
        3. Put two spoonfuls of sweet oil in a frying pan.
        4. Chop up the two onions, garlic, parsley, and four tomatoes.
        5. Place your recently chopped ingredients from step 4 into the frying pan and let it cook for 30 minutes.
        6. Add the half cup of bouillon in which you dissolve a teaspoon of flour and let this all cook for 10 minutes.
        7. Remove the parsley from the dish.
        8. Boil the 12 Irish potatoes, then peel and slice them.
        9. Line the bottom of the serving dish with the potato slices and top with pieces of codfish, slices of sweet pepper, tomato sauce, and a sprinkling of bread crumbs.
        10. Place this dish in the oven and cook for 35 minutes.
        Prepared by Jonathan Culp
        July 11, 2017

        Graham Wheatlets


        • One pint of Graham flour 
        • One quart of water or milk 
        • One teaspoonful of salt


        1. Bring the quart of water or milk to a boil.
        2. Salt the flour and scald it by dropping it into the boiling liquid.
        3. Remove the soft dough and roll it until it is about one inch thick.
        4. Cut the dough into round cakes.
        5. Lay the cakes on a buttered pan and bake them in a very hot oven.
        6. Remove the cakes from the oven, split, and butter while hot.
        Note: The lightness of the wheatlets depends on the degree of heat of the oven, so if they are properly scalded and cooked the cakes should come out light and puffy.

        Prepared by Jonathan Culp
        July 11, 2017

        Graham Wheatlets


        • One pint of Graham flour 
        • One quart of water or milk 
        • One teaspoonful of salt


        1. Bring the quart of water or milk to a boil.
        2. Salt the flour and scald it by dropping it into the boiling liquid.
        3. Remove the soft dough and roll it until it is about one inch thick.
        4. Cut the dough into round cakes.
        5. Lay the cakes on a buttered pan and bake them in a very hot oven.
        6. Remove the cakes from the oven, split, and butter while hot.
        Note: The lightness of the wheatlets depends on the degree of heat of the oven, so if they are properly scalded and cooked the cakes should come out light and puffy.

        Prepared by Jonathan Culp
        July 11, 2017

        Hard Custard


        • One quart of milk
        • Sugar (to taste)
        • A piece of vanilla bean
        • 5 eggs (well beaten)
        • Caramel


        1. Put the milk into a pot and place it over a fire allowing it to boil.
        2. Take the pot off the fire for three or four minutes.
        3. Beat the five eggs in a bowl.
        4. Add the five well beaten eggs gradually to the milk.
        5. Put caramel into a mold and place the mold in a bain-Marie (double saucepan).
        6. Pour the milk and egg mixture into the mold.
        7. Place the bain-Marie in the oven for twenty minutes.
        8. Take the bain-Marie out of the oven and let it cool in the ice box (freezer).
        9. Serve when wanted,
        — Leonie Penin
        Prepared by Jonathan Culp
        July 11, 2017

        Hard Custard


        • One quart of milk
        • Sugar (to taste)
        • A piece of vanilla bean
        • 5 eggs (well beaten)
        • Caramel


        1. Put the milk into a pot and place it over a fire allowing it to boil.
        2. Take the pot off the fire for three or four minutes.
        3. Beat the five eggs in a bowl.
        4. Add the five well beaten eggs gradually to the milk.
        5. Put caramel into a mold and place the mold in a bain-Marie (double saucepan).
        6. Pour the milk and egg mixture into the mold.
        7. Place the bain-Marie in the oven for twenty minutes.
        8. Take the bain-Marie out of the oven and let it cool in the ice box (freezer).
        9. Serve when wanted,
        — Leonie Penin
        Prepared by Jonathan Culp
        July 11, 2017

        Chicken Panade


        • One large chicken 
        • One and a half quarts of water 
        • Sieve tray 
        • French rolls


        1. Bring the one and a half quarts of water to a boil in a large pot.
        2. Add the chicken to the pot and allow to reach a boil.
        3. Let the pot continue to boil until about one third of the liquid is gone.
        4. Remove the chicken from the pot and pound it, bones and all, into a paste.
        5. Spread this paste over a sieve tray.
        6. Once the paste is spread, pour the remaining liquid the chicken was boiled in over it, making sure to collect the mixture that leaves the tray in a bowl.
        7. While the mixture from step 6 is still hot pour over a stale french roll.
        Prepared by Jonathan Culp
        July 11, 2017

        Chicken Panade


        • One large chicken 
        • One and a half quarts of water 
        • Sieve tray 
        • French rolls


        1. Bring the one and a half quarts of water to a boil in a large pot.
        2. Add the chicken to the pot and allow to reach a boil.
        3. Let the pot continue to boil until about one third of the liquid is gone.
        4. Remove the chicken from the pot and pound it, bones and all, into a paste.
        5. Spread this paste over a sieve tray.
        6. Once the paste is spread, pour the remaining liquid the chicken was boiled in over it, making sure to collect the mixture that leaves the tray in a bowl.
        7. While the mixture from step 6 is still hot pour over a stale french roll.
        Prepared by Jonathan Culp
        July 11, 2017

        Wednesday, July 19, 2017

        Devilled Crabs


        • Twelve crabs
        • Half pint of milk
        • Two tablespoonfuls (1oz) of flour
        • One tablespoonful (0.5oz) of butter
        • Salt
        • Cayenne pepper
        • One tablespoonful (0.5oz) of chopped parsley
        • Milk
        • Three hard boiled eggs
        • Bread crumbs
        • Egg whites


        1. Put milk on to boil
        2. Rub the butter and flour together
        3. Add the milk
        4. Stir and cook two minutes
        5. Take from the fire
        6. Add crab meat
        7. Add the yolks of three hard boiled eggs mashed fine
        8. Then parsley, salt and pepper
        9. Fill the shells
        10. Brush over with the white of an egg
        11. Cover with bread crumbs
        12. Put in a quick oven (375-400° F) or cook in a frying basket
        Prepared by Paul W. Haire
        July 19,2017

        Devilled Crabs


        • Twelve crabs
        • Half pint of milk
        • Two tablespoonfuls (1oz) of flour
        • One tablespoonful (0.5oz) of butter
        • Salt
        • Cayenne pepper
        • One tablespoonful (0.5oz) of chopped parsley
        • Milk
        • Three hard boiled eggs
        • Bread crumbs
        • Egg whites


        1. Put milk on to boil
        2. Rub the butter and flour together
        3. Add the milk
        4. Stir and cook two minutes
        5. Take from the fire
        6. Add crab meat
        7. Add the yolks of three hard boiled eggs mashed fine
        8. Then parsley, salt and pepper
        9. Fill the shells
        10. Brush over with the white of an egg
        11. Cover with bread crumbs
        12. Put in a quick oven (375-400° F) or cook in a frying basket
        Prepared by Paul W. Haire
        July 19,2017

        Egg Plant


        • Some chopped meat
        • A little stale bread
        • Salt
        • Pepper
        • Onions
        • Parsley
        • Little bit of ham or tongue
        • Egg plant


        1. Parboil them, cut them in half and scrape out the soft part, which you put in a bowl.
        2. Add to it some chopped meat and a little stale bread.
        3. Season with salt, pepper, onions, parsley, and a little bit of ham or tongue. 
        4. Put all in the frying-pan for a few moments
        5. Put back in the egg-plant shells
        6. Sprinkle bread crumbs on top
        7. Brown in the oven
        Prepared by Paul W. Haire
        July 19,2017

        Egg Plant


        • Some chopped meat
        • A little stale bread
        • Salt
        • Pepper
        • Onions
        • Parsley
        • Little bit of ham or tongue
        • Egg plant


        1. Parboil them, cut them in half and scrape out the soft part, which you put in a bowl.
        2. Add to it some chopped meat and a little stale bread.
        3. Season with salt, pepper, onions, parsley, and a little bit of ham or tongue. 
        4. Put all in the frying-pan for a few moments
        5. Put back in the egg-plant shells
        6. Sprinkle bread crumbs on top
        7. Brown in the oven
        Prepared by Paul W. Haire
        July 19,2017

        Corn Meal Bread


        • (1/4 cup) Piece of butter the size of an egg
        • Pint of corn meal
        • Two eggs
        • New milk
        • Spoonful of yeast (5ml)



        1. Rub a piece of butter the size of an egg into a pint of corn meal.
        2. Make it a batter with two eggs and some new milk.
        3. Add a spoonful of yeast.. 


        1. Set it by the fire an hour to rise.
        2. Butter little pans, fill them, and bake.
        Prepared by Paul W. Haire
        July 19,2017

        Corn Meal Bread


        • (1/4 cup) Piece of butter the size of an egg
        • Pint of corn meal
        • Two eggs
        • New milk
        • Spoonful of yeast (5ml)



        1. Rub a piece of butter the size of an egg into a pint of corn meal.
        2. Make it a batter with two eggs and some new milk.
        3. Add a spoonful of yeast.. 


        1. Set it by the fire an hour to rise.
        2. Butter little pans, fill them, and bake.
        Prepared by Paul W. Haire
        July 19,2017

        Thin Water Biscuits


        • One-half pound of flour
        • Two ounces butter 
        • A pinch (1⁄8 teaspoon) of salt
        • Milk



        1. Mix all ingredients into a stiff paste
        2. Roll out paste very thin
        3. Prick the paste well with the biscuit pricker
        4. Cut in diamonds


        • Bake them in a quick oven (375-400° F)
        Prepared by Paul W. Haire
        July 19,2017

        Thin Water Biscuits


        • One-half pound of flour
        • Two ounces butter 
        • A pinch (1⁄8 teaspoon) of salt
        • Milk



        1. Mix all ingredients into a stiff paste
        2. Roll out paste very thin
        3. Prick the paste well with the biscuit pricker
        4. Cut in diamonds


        • Bake them in a quick oven (375-400° F)
        Prepared by Paul W. Haire
        July 19,2017

        Thick Water Biscuits


        • Three pounds of flour
        • Two and a half ounces of butter
        • Pinch (1⁄8 teaspoon) of salt 
        • One teaspoon of baking powder
        • Milk



        1. Mix all ingredients well into a a stiff paste  
        2. Roll out one sheet half an inch thick
        3. Prick the dough well
        4. Cut them with a round cutter and blade as quick as possible


        1. Bake them in a oven, but not as hot as the thin biscuits
        Prepared by Paul W. Haire
        July 19,2017