Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Fried Catfish


  • Catfish Fillets

  • eggs
  • Salt
  • bread or cracker crumbs


  1. Skin, clean, remove the heads, sprinkle with salt, and lay aside for an hour and a half.
  2. Then dip in beaten eggs, roll in bread or cracker crumbs, and fry quickly in hot lard or drippings.
Source — The Unrivalled Cook-Book
Prepared by Arlenzia Cummings
Louisiana Anthology
April 26th, 2023

Monday, May 1, 2023

Praline Pecan


  • 1 cup of Pecan nuts
  • two Cup fulls of Brown Sugar
  • Half a cup of water
  • It can also be substituted for Penuts


  1. Carefully peel the pecans.
  2. Put the water and brown sugar on a simmer until it starts to candy.
  3. Put in the nuts and stir making sure not to burn.
  4. Put on a cool plate and serve or put spoonfuls in boxes or pats on a dish.
Source — Cooking in Old Créole Days
Prepared by Jonathan Durel
Louisiana Anthology
April 19th, 2023

Corn Pudding


  • 5 ears of corn
  • Spoonful of sugar
  • Pinch of salt
  • Large spooful of cream
  • Four eggs


  1. Boil 5 ears of corn and grate put them in a bowl.
  2. Add a spoonful of sugar, a pinch of salt, a large spoonful of cream, and 4 egg yolks.
  3. Beat 4 egg whites until stiff, mix everything well together.
  4. Pour into a buttered dish, put in the oven for half an hour, hot enough to make bellows.
Source — Cooking in Old Créole Days
Prepared by Jonathan Durel
Louisiana Anthology
April 19th, 2023

Cherry Flan


  • Shortcrust pastry,
  • Powdered sugar
  • Cherries
  • Cherry jam


  1. Fill the flan mold with shortcrust pastry, rolled out to half a centimeter.
  2. Prinkle with a good layer of powdered sugar.
  3. Remove the pits from your cherries, and arrange them on the flan.
  4. Put in the oven for half an hour, let cool, and put a light layer of cherry jam on the cherries.
Source — Cooking in Old Creole Days
Prepared by Jonathan Durel
Louisiana Anthology
April 19th, 2023

Friday, April 28, 2023

How to Make Pop-Corn Balls



  • 6 Quarts of popped popcorn
  • One pint (1/2 quart) of molasses 


  • Large pot
  • Large pan
  • Spoon or stirring stick


  1. In a large pot, boil one pint of molasses for fifteen minutes.
  2. While boiling, prepare the popcorn by spreading it thinly over a large pan.
  3. Pour the boiled molasses over the popcorn, and stir briskly until thoroughly mixed.
  4. With clean hands, form balls of the desired size. 
Source — La Cuisine Creole
Prepared by Henry Hicks
Louisiana Anthology
March 27, 2023

How To Make A Plain Whiskey Punch



  • Five ounces of lemon or lime juice
  • 1/2 a tablespoon of sugar
  • Two and a 1/2 ounces of whiskey
  • Handful of ice


  • Cocktail Shaker
  • 8 ounce glass


  1. Pour ingredients into a cocktail shaker
  2. Cover with lid, and shake for approximately one minute
  3. Strain the contents into a drinking glass
  4. Enjoy!
Source — La Cuisine Creole
Prepared by Henry Hicks
Louisiana Anthology
March 27, 2023

How to Make Dripped Coffee



  • One cup of coffee beans
  • 1/2 pint of boiling water
  • Cup of boiling milk


  • Coffee grinder
  • Coffee dripper
  • 8 ounce mug


  1. Grind one cup of coffee beans.
  2. Place the ground up coffee beans into the top of the coffee dripper
  3. Place the mug under the coffee dripper
  4. Pour half a pint of boiling water onto the ground up coffee beans. 
  5. Take the boiling milk, and pour it into the mug of coffee until the preferred taste is acquired. 
Source — La Cuisine Creole
Prepared by Henry Hicks
Louisiana Anthology
March 27, 2023