Saturday, October 1, 2022

Gateau Praline ou ile Flottante (Praline or Floating Island Cake)


Original French Recipe

Pulvérisez un quart de livre de pralines grises. Battez en neige 4 blancs d’œufs, ajoutez les pralines en poudre, sucre a volonte faites ce mélange vivement et sans battre de nouveau, mettez dans un moule, que vous avez enduit de caramel, mettez au bain-marie et au four pas trop chaud, laissez 20 minutes, faites refroidir et démoulez au moment de servir, garnissez avec une creme a la vanille.


  • One pound of gray pralines
  • Four egg whites
  • Sugar
  • Caramel
  • Vanilla cream


Beginning Preparations

  1. Spray a pound of gray pralines with water.
  2. Beat four egg whites until stiff.
  3. Add the pralines to the egg whites.
  4. Add sugar as desired, and mix vigorously.


  1. Add cold water to sugar in a saucepan.
  2. Boil to a light golden color.
  3. Coat a mold with the caramel.

Finishing Preparations

  1. Add the pralines, sugar, and egg whites to the mold coated with caramel.
  2. Place the mold within a larger container holding hot water (this is a bain-marie).
  3. Place the bain-marie into the oven on a low heat for 20 minutes.
  4. Cool for at least 5 minutes, and release the cake from the mold.
  5. Garnish with vanilla cream.
— Leonie Penin.
Source — Cooking in Old Créole Days
Prepared by Jon-Mikah Hart
Louisiana Anthology
Sept 30, 2022

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

Better Than Cake



  • 1 box of yellow cake mix
  • 1 20-ounce can of crushed pineapples
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 8 ounces of cream cheese, softened
  • 1 box instant vanilla pudding
  • 1 large can Baker's coconut
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans
  • 1 small jar of Maraschino cherries
  • 1 (12 oz.) Cool Whip
  • 3 bananas


  1. Mix the boxed cake mix according to the directions on the box using milk instead of water.
  2. Bake in 9" x 13" pan.
  3. While the cake is baking, heat the entire can of crushed pineapples with 2 cups of sugar in a pan over medium heat.
  4. Remove cake from oven when done and put 1/4 inch holes 3 inches apart into the cake.
  5. Pour the hot pineapple mixture onto the cake, covering the top.
  6. Mix the box of vanilla instant pudding according to the directions on the box.
  7. Once pudding is mixed, blend 8 ounces of softened cream cheese into the pudding mixture.
  8. Spread pudding mixture over the top of the cake.
  9. Then, slice the bananas, and place them across the top of the cake.
  10. Cover the top of the cake with the entire container of Cool Whip.
  11. Decorate the cake with coconut, cherries, and pecans.
Source — Cathy Overstreet
Prepared by Katelyn Overstreet
Louisiana Anthology
September 28, 2022

Chocolate Kisses


  • 1/2 pound of sugar
  • 1 ounce of finely-powdered chocolate
  • 4 egg whites well beaten


  1. Mix sugar and chocolate together.
  2. Mix in egg whites until well beaten.
  3. Drop on buttered paper.
  4. Bake.

Source — La Cuisine Creole
Prepared by Caleigh Oglesby
September 26, 2022

Cod Au Beurne Beoux


  • Cod
  • Brown butter
  • Flour
  • Sugar
  • 1 onion
  • Tablespoonful of vinegar


  1. Boil a piece of cod and separate into flakes.
  2. Brown some butter.
  3. Dredge in a little flour and sugar powder.
  4. Fry some slices of onion a fine brown.
  5. Throw in the vinegar.
  6. Boil it.
  7. Pour over the fish.
  8. Serve with crisp parsley.

Source —  La Cuisine Creole
Prepared by Caleigh Oglesby
September 26, 2022

Okra and Corn Fricassee


  • Pint of cut okra
  • Cupful of hot lard or fat of side meat
  • 1 1/2 pint of corn
  • Flour
  • 1/2 cup of milk
  • Salt and pepper to season


  1. Put okra into a frying pan of hot lard and let fry.
  2. Add in corn and fry until it is thoroughly cooked.
  3. Pour off grease.
  4. Dredge in a little flour.
  5. Add in milk.
  6. Season with salt and pepper. 

Source — La Cuisine Creole
Prepared by Caleigh Oglesby
September 26, 2022

Mutton Stuffed With Mushrooms


  • Half a pint of chopped mushrooms 
  • Chopped parsley and onion
  • Tablespoonful of grated lean and same of fat ham; 
  • Salt and pepper to season
  • Four egg yolks


  1. Put chopped mushrooms, parsley, onion, grated lean and fat ham into a stew pan.
  2. Season with salt and pepper.
  3. Stir in yolks of egg.
  4. Introduce it in the leg by taking out the bone or by making incisions in the mutton.
  5. Bake very brown.
  6. Froth it up by dusting flour over it.
  7. Serve with a goos brown gravy, in which some currant jelly is melted.

Source — La Cuisine Creole
Prepared by Caleigh Oglesby
September 26, 2022




  • Three and a half cups of flour
  • One cup of sweet lard
  • One teaspoonful of salt
  • One teaspoonful of baking powder
  • A cup of very cold water


  1. Three and a half cups of flour, one cup of sweet lard, one teaspoon of salt, one teaspoonful of baking powder, and a cupful of very cold water.
  2. Mix with a knife, using the hand as little as possible.
  3. Roll and cut after the crust is on the pie-plate.
Source — La Cuisine Creole
Prepared by Katelyn Overstreet
Louisiana Anthology
September 27, 2022