Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Cottage Cake


  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teacup of brown sugar
  • 2 teacups of molasses
  • 1 teacup of beaten ginger
  • 2 teacups of butter
  • 1 teacup of cream or milk
  • Pinch of baking soda
  • 3 cups of flour
  • Lemon or Orange zest


  1. Take the 3 eggs (separately beaten), and mix with all other ingredients except for zest until evenly mixed.
  2. Mix until it has the consistency of a pound cake.
  3. Add zest of choice to enhance flavor.
  4. Bake in either large or small tins.
Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Laura Hurd
Louisiana Anthology
January 5, 2021

Cottage Cake


  • 3 eggs
  • 1 teacup of brown sugar
  • 2 teacups of molasses
  • 1 teacup of beaten ginger
  • 2 teacups of butter
  • 1 teacup of cream or milk
  • Pinch of baking soda
  • 3 cups of flour
  • Lemon or Orange zest


  1. Take the 3 eggs (separately beaten), and mix with all other ingredients except for zest until evenly mixed.
  2. Mix until it has the consistency of a pound cake.
  3. Add zest of choice to enhance flavor.
  4. Bake in either large or small tins.
Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Laura Hurd
Louisiana Anthology
January 5, 2021

Diet Bread


  • 1 pound of flour
  • 1 pound of sugar
  • Pinch of mace seasoning
  • Grated nutmeg
  • Splash of rose water
  • 6 eggs
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Sift flour and sugar then add mace.
  2. Mix in grated nutmeg and splash of rose water and stir well together.
  3. Beat the 6 eggs lightly and add pinch of salt.
  4. Once all ingredients are mixed, bake slowly in a pan.
Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Laura Hurd
Louisiana Anthology
January 5, 2021

Diet Bread


  • 1 pound of flour
  • 1 pound of sugar
  • Pinch of mace seasoning
  • Grated nutmeg
  • Splash of rose water
  • 6 eggs
  • Pinch of salt


  1. Sift flour and sugar then add mace.
  2. Mix in grated nutmeg and splash of rose water and stir well together.
  3. Beat the 6 eggs lightly and add pinch of salt.
  4. Once all ingredients are mixed, bake slowly in a pan.
Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Laura Hurd
Louisiana Anthology
January 5, 2021

Stewed Carrots


  • 2 pounds of carrots
  • 4 cups of milk
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Pinch of pepper
  • Chopped Parsley
  • Fresh butter rolled in flour


  1. Half boil carrots and scrape them nicely.
  2. Cut the carrots into thick slices and put them in the stewpan.
  3. Add the milk to barely cover them, along with salt, pepper, and parsley.
  4. Simmer until perfectly tender.
  5. When they are nearly done, add fresh butter rolled in flour, send them to the table hot.
Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Laura Hurd
Louisiana Anthology
January 5, 2021

Stewed Carrots


  • 2 pounds of carrots
  • 4 cups of milk
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Pinch of pepper
  • Chopped Parsley
  • Fresh butter rolled in flour


  1. Half boil carrots and scrape them nicely.
  2. Cut the carrots into thick slices and put them in the stewpan.
  3. Add the milk to barely cover them, along with salt, pepper, and parsley.
  4. Simmer until perfectly tender.
  5. When they are nearly done, add fresh butter rolled in flour, send them to the table hot.
Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Laura Hurd
Louisiana Anthology
January 5, 2021

Monday, January 4, 2021

Pain Noir


  • Deux quarts de farine
  • Une cuillère à soupe de sel
  • Une cuillère à soupe de sucre
  • Une demi-tasse de sirop
  • Un paquet de levure
  • Une cuillerée de saindoux (bacon)
  • Deux tasses de lait
  • Deux tasses d'eau


  1. Mettez une cuillère à soupe de sel et une cuillère à soupe de sucre dans la farine.
  2. Mélangez un petit paquet de levure avec une tasse d'eau.
  3. Mélangez la levure avec la farine.
  4. Faites fondre une cuillerée de beurre et une cuillerée de saindoux dans une boîte.
  5. Ajouter le beurre fondu et le saindoux, deux tasses de lait, une tasse d'eau et une demi-tasse de sirop dans la farine.
  6. Remuez bien avec une cuillère jusqu'à ce que le fond du plat soit propre.
  7. Laisser lever toute la nuit dans un endroit chaud.
  8. Le lendemain, retournez la pâte 2 à 3 fois.
  9. Répartir en pains.
Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Kiara Green
Louisiana Anthology
January 4, 2021


  • Two quarters of flour
  • One tablespoon of salt
  • One tablespoon of sugar
  • Half a cup of syrup
  • A package of yeast
  • One spoonful lard (bacon)
  • Two cups of milk
  • Two cups of water


  1. Put one tablespoon of salt and one tablespoon of sugar into the flour.
  2. Mix a small package of yeast with one cup of water.
  3. Mix the yeast with the flour.
  4. Melt a spoonful of butter and a spoonful of lard in a tin.
  5. Add the melted butter and lard, two cups of milk, one cup of water, and a half cup of syrup in flour.
  6. Stir well with spoon until the bottom of the dish is clean.
  7. Leave to rise over night in a warm place.
  8. Next day, turn the dough 2 to 3 times.
  9. Divide into loaves.
Source — Creole Cookery Book
Prepared by Kiara Green
Louisiana Anthology
January 4, 2021