Monday, June 4, 2018

Sally Lunn


  • One quart of flour, 
  • One teaspoonful of salt,
  • One tablespoonful of sugar, 
  • One heaping tablespoon of lard and butter mixed with one-third of a cake yeast (fresh yeast),
  • Three eggs, well beaten


  1. Make the dough with warm water in winter and cold water in summer. It should be the consistency of light bread dough, or rather, softer.
  2. Let it rise for four to five hours.
  3. Touch lightly, and turn into a buttered cake mold.
  4. Bake without a second kneading for forty minutes, and should then soak well. 
— Lauderdale, Virginia

Published by Marlie Giardina
June 1, 2018

Sally Lunn


  • One quart of flour, 
  • One teaspoonful of salt,
  • One tablespoonful of sugar, 
  • One heaping tablespoon of lard and butter mixed with one-third of a cake yeast (fresh yeast),
  • Three eggs, well beaten


  1. Make the dough with warm water in winter and cold water in summer. It should be the consistency of light bread dough, or rather, softer.
  2. Let it rise for four to five hours.
  3. Touch lightly, and turn into a buttered cake mold.
  4. Bake without a second kneading for forty minutes, and should then soak well. 
— Lauderdale, Virginia

Published by Marlie Giardina
June 1, 2018

Jumballaya, A Spanish Creole Dish


  • One pound of rice,
  • One cold roast chicken or the remnants of a turkey,
  • One slice of ham,
  • One tablespoon of lard,
  • One pint of hot water,
  • One or two spoonfuls of cooked tomatoes,


  1. Wash the rice and soak it for an hour.
  2. Cut up the chicken or turkey and ham.
  3. Fry the meat in the lard.
  4. Stir in the rice.
  5. Add a pint of hot water while stirring.
  6. Cover the pot and set it where it can cook slowly, until the rice is nearly dry.
  7. Add one or two spoonfuls of cooked tomatoes.
  8. Add oysters, shrimp, or sausage for variety.
— Mrs. Eustis, Mere
Prepared by Marlie Giardina
June 1, 2018

Jumballaya, A Spanish Creole Dish


  • One pound of rice,
  • One cold roast chicken or the remnants of a turkey,
  • One slice of ham,
  • One tablespoon of lard,
  • One pint of hot water,
  • One or two spoonfuls of cooked tomatoes,


  1. Wash the rice and soak it for an hour.
  2. Cut up the chicken or turkey and ham.
  3. Fry the meat in the lard.
  4. Stir in the rice.
  5. Add a pint of hot water while stirring.
  6. Cover the pot and set it where it can cook slowly, until the rice is nearly dry.
  7. Add one or two spoonfuls of cooked tomatoes.
  8. Add oysters, shrimp, or sausage for variety.
— Mrs. Eustis, Mere
Prepared by Marlie Giardina
June 1, 2018

Cream a La Celestine


  • 6 eggs
  • 1 pound of Menier Chocolate 
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 quart of cream
  • Vanilla extract
  • 1 pint of milk


  1. Separate egg whites from yolks for all 6 eggs
  2. Beat the 6 yolks
  3. Add one white to the mix
  4. Add two cups of sugar to the mix; flavor with vanilla extract
  5. Beat the mix until firm
  6. Add cream and stir slowly until mixed thoroughly 
  7. Boil milk and add chocolate 
  8. Stir until mixed
  9. Add chocolate mix to the egg mix and stir slowly
  10. Strain the mix
  11. Let mix cool and then freeze it
Prepared by Brooke Warren
June 4, 2018

Cream a La Celestine


  • 6 eggs
  • 1 pound of Menier Chocolate 
  • 2 cups of sugar
  • 1 quart of cream
  • Vanilla extract
  • 1 pint of milk


  1. Separate egg whites from yolks for all 6 eggs
  2. Beat the 6 yolks
  3. Add one white to the mix
  4. Add two cups of sugar to the mix; flavor with vanilla extract
  5. Beat the mix until firm
  6. Add cream and stir slowly until mixed thoroughly 
  7. Boil milk and add chocolate 
  8. Stir until mixed
  9. Add chocolate mix to the egg mix and stir slowly
  10. Strain the mix
  11. Let mix cool and then freeze it
Prepared by Brooke Warren
June 4, 2018

Sauce Bordelaise


  • 1 tablespoon of finely chopped green onions 
  • 2 tablespoons of bruised cloves
  • 2 pieces of garlic
  • Butter
  • 2 glasses of Claret Wine (approximately 12 oz)
  • Pint of Spanish Sauce
  • Pinch of red pepper 
  • Lemon Juice
  • Chopped parsley
  • 4 oz of beef marrow cut in rounds
  • Salt


  1. Add tablespoon of chives, 2 tablespoons of bruised cloves, and 2 pieces of garlic into saucepan with butter; saute
  2. Add the two glasses of Claret Wine, pint of Spanish sauce, and the pinch of red pepper to the saucepan 
  3. Lower the heat to a simmer and let sit until its the consistency of a sauce
  4. Lightly heat 4 oz of beef marrow in salted boiling water 
  5. Add dash of lemon juice, chopped parsley, and and sauce to beef marrow 
  6. Use directly after making  
Prepared by Brooke Warren
June 3, 2018