Add butter, frozen mixed vegetables, and 2 eggs to a pan and let it cook down.
Once the ingredients have been cooked down, add the cooked rice to the pan and stir.
Once the eggs and rice have been mixed, add half a cup of soy sauce to the pan.
While the eggs and rice are cooking, add the pound of chopped chicken to a bowl along with the egg, garlic powder, black pepper, chili powder, salt, and cornstarch.
Mix the chicken and seasoning together thoroughly.
Once mixed, fry the chicken in oil until golden brown.
Remove the chicken from the oil but DO NOT throw away the oil.
Using that same oil, add some red pepper flakes, soy sauce, minced garlic, brown sugar, cornstarch, and water.
Once that is mixed together add your chicken in the mixture to give it nice coating.
Combine the sauced chicken and the fried rice together.
Throw some sesame seeds and green onions on top for extra flavor.
Source — My Home Prepared by Gavin Sylvan Louisiana Anthology August 10, 2022
Season the four lbs. round of beef with salt, pepper, a little garlic, bay leaf, and clove.
Lard well through and through.
Sprinkle a tablespoonful of vinegar on the lard and let it stand for 24 hours.
Put the daube in a pot with a small piece of lard.
Cover the pot with a heavy cover on a slow fire.
Let the ingredients smother for about 4 hours or until thoroughly done.
Take off the cover and let it fry a light brown, then remove it from flame.
Boil 3 pig feet and 8 calves feet steadily until they leave the bone.
Add one carrot to boil for about 30 minutes.
Slice in length the carrot to be placed at the bottom of the bowl when the daube is ready to be served.
Crack 2 eggs, white and shells should be beaten together and boiled with jelly briskly.
Strain the eggs through a thick flannel or cloth.
Mix the daube gravy with jelly.
Let the mixture sit for about 30 minutes, then slow pour over the daube.
Set the ingredients in a cold place, when cold, take the lard from the top of the spoon, and with a round edge knife detach carefully and daube and turn into a round plate.
Avoid breaking jelly, place the plate on top of the bowl and turn it over.